Well hellooooo again,
Last month I told you all about the membership I've launched through buy my a coffee.com (I've copy and pasted this below incase you missed the original post).
I discovered that I have around 15 posters left over from my 2017 #EdFringe show. So I said that I’ll send a signed one to my first 15 annual members! http://Buymeacoffee.com/leggylady01 hit the membership tab and choose “yearly membership”. I mean who wouldn’t want an a3 poster with my mug on it? haha
The cardboard tubes have now arrived.... so the first signed posters can go out :)

Hi folks!
I just wanted to let you all know about a new thing that I've launched.... As you probably all know, the creative industries have been pretty decimated during the covid lockdown situation and as a full time photographer, all of my jobs ceased over night! All of my weddings cancelled, the fringe was cancelled, gigs were cancelled (pretty much all the things I cover as a photographer, were cancelled!) and no-one wants to have a portrait taken when you're socically distancing!
I have throughout this time continued to produce my little weekly radio show and I've continued to live stream, both of which I hope you've found entertaining? I been particularly happy with the feedback consistently received about the radio! I am however, not paid for either of those jobs...... So..... I've launched a way that you can help support me to continue to create content. You can of course sporadically buy me a coffee or drop a donation into my paypal (and that's always appreciated, it's nice to be acknowledged in that way... that you are entertained enough to buy me a coffee, it's cool 😊) but now I've introduced membership subscriptions too! So, you pay either £7 monthly or £70 for an annual subscription and you get access to exclusive content, discounted Merch, a monthly group Zoom call and a follow back on either Twitter or Instagram. Do we think this seems fair enough? If you're interested in joining up you can do it at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leggylady01/ and click on the "membership" tab........ or you can of course just buy me a coffee, you know that stuff keeps me going!